Makoto Shinkai
The director who created the highest-grossing anime in history, a visual perfectionist who took second-rate drawing to a new level
«You learn a lot more from stories about being rejected than you do from stories about being happy».
- Makoto Shinkai
A brilliant storyteller whose stories of love and distance have broken the hearts of countless people around the world
Loneliness and growing up, First love, tender nostalgia for youth, metaphorical and literal problems between people - these are the main works of Shinkai
Shinkai's heroes are able to preserve love in any circumstance other than the everyday
Shinkai's adults are older than teenagers only nominally, in fact they are also lost people who can't step into a new stage of life
All of his films can be called nurturing novels, in which poignant love stories are woven into the characters' awareness of their place in life
«5 Centimeters in a Second» and «Garden of Fine Words» are the only anime in his career in which the lovers are left alone, unable to overcome their own indecision or social norms
love and loneliness
Shinkai was a lost child and remained so until his graduation. The only thing he knew was that he needed to express himself
Day and night, he creates his film almost single-handedly. Writing, drawing, directing, editing, producing
Reflecting Shinkai's vision and experiences, each of his statements encapsulates exclusively personal memories, anxieties, experiences
He gets a team, ambitions become possible to realize in full, but despite all this, his work continues to retain an exceptional intimacy
And so, the 25-minute story of long-distance love and loneliness, separation and time will open the door for him to larger budgets and successfully launch a new career
When Miyazaki first spoke of his departure from the industry - the community shuddered. Is the end of Japanese animation really coming?
following in Miyazaki's
The beautiful scenery that is in each of his films. Characters on the threshold of adulthood. And the world fame of his work
At the Japanese box office his work surpassed the legendary Hayao Miyazaki film «Gone with the Ghosts» at the box office, which until then seemed unthinkable.
And it's not about financial success
It is Shinkai who has been called the «new» or «second Miyazaki» for the reason that his work «Your Name» did something unbelievable
Beauty in detail
Makoto Shinkai's beautiful landscapes and the world-famous work and details that made him famous
Best animated film Best screenplay
A demonstration of a fairy tale universe and a thymic metropolis, battles and loneliness, dreams
and sad memories.
Shinkai's characters wait for a message from a loved one, are late for a date because of a snowfall, or are reflecting as they try to find their place in society
While Hayao Miyazaki's heroes fight witches and other creatures or try to escape the pursuit of a sea sorcerer
Hayao Miyazaki creates a fairy tale universe, while Shinkai shows a timid metropolis
The clouds symbolize the pursuit
for a dream. Trains and railroad crossings symbolize separation and loneliness
And empty schoolrooms and sakura petals are sad memories of youth that cannot be returned
And perhaps that's why his work resonates with
with millions of viewers
Similarities and differences
«If it rains - will you stay? Even if it doesn't rain - I'll stay»
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